Yosemite Shepherds Rehoming Agreement
1.) To the best of our knowledge and belief at the time of Rehoming, the health and temperament of this dog is excellent.
2.) Guarantee on puppies until 6 months of age purchased through us for provable life threatening genetic defects not including hips/elbows. Buyer must submit veterinary proof of life threatening genetic disease. This is a replacement guarantee only, for a puppy at the seller's choice. We do not Guarantee descent of testicles. Guarantee is not on imported puppies/dogs.
3.) The Buyer agrees to maintain preventative care of the puppy/dog in regards to hip/elbow dysplasia, such as proper nutrition, supplements, proper exercise, and preventing stress injuries. Failure to do so voids any warranty.
4.) Delivery accommodations shall be air freight prepaid to a nearby airport that accepts live animals.
5.) Buyer agrees to allow Seller the right of first refusal should Buyer decide to sell, relinquish or transfer puppy/dog. At No Cost to Yosemite Shepherds. This sales guarantee applies to the original puppy/dog owner only and is non-transferable to a second party.
6.) All rehoming/sales are final and deposits are non-refundable.
7.) Sterilizing your dog: In order to maintain a valid health guarantee Buyer agrees to NOT spay or neuter said dog until 12 months of age but must be done by 24 months and be able to send proof to us if asked. There are no added health benefits to
early sterilization and it can lead to overall smaller stature and extended immaturity. Sterilizing said dog previous to 12 months of age will render this guarantee void.
8.)All of our puppies are re-homed with limited AKC Registration. We do not give breeding rights. Imports only get export pedigree or passport.
9.) Buyer agrees to follow puppy training and information on "Vaccinations and training guidelines" given at pick up of puppy/dog and not to change puppy food for at least 2 weeks.
10.) Buyer will go to all required vet check ups and keep vaccinations up to date. We do not fix umbilical hernias unless advised by our vet to do so, should one need to be closed later at some point it is the buyers responsibility. Any kind negligence or mistreatment, abandonment, or any other misconduct towards said animal deemed so by Yosemite Shepherds, a licensed veterinarian, or law enforcement officials, will result in immediate forfeiture of ownership, and return of said animal to Yosemite Shepherds at the undersigned's expense.
11.) Buyer agrees to get training/socializing done with the puppy/dog within the first 6 months and must be able to show proof if asked by us. Must also keep up on said
training/socialization throughout the dog's life.
12.) All dogs and puppies go home with a health check from a licensed vet, once this agreement is signed below all responsibility for health, sickness, behavior or injury is new owners and Yosemite Shepherds are not liable for any reason.
I have read the above conditions of sale. I understand and I agree to all conditions of sale as indicated by my signature below. The entire agreement between the parties is contained here-in. In the event of a dispute, California will have jurisdiction over the matter and the buyer will pay all legal fees for the seller.
Buyer: Print :____________________ Sign : ____________________
Date: ____________________
Effective as of 3/1/2024